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Academic tools I wish I'd known about ages ago

In the first blog post on this page, I figured it would be best to share about this amazing new discovery I made only yesterday. More than likely, readers here have long known about this fantastic tool (and none of this content is sponsored, by the way), but perhaps someone just as under a rock as I am will stumble upon it and be wowed in the same capacity.

For that one person, I am here for you.

First of all, if you haven't encountered it yet -- SciSpace is where it's at. All the dreading of finding finally the right journal for my potential article and then having to format it properly, etc., was made so much simpler thanks to SciSpace. They have many of the world's known academic journals listed in a database, all you have to do is upload your work and they format it for you according to the journal you've selected. While there's still plenty I'm learning about the site and all of its amazing features, it's made life 100 times easier already.

Then comes, which organizes all your work in one place -- and I do mean ALL the work: class notes, smart notes, not so smart notes, research, freelance work, deliverables, etc. It's probably the most useful for teams, actually, but on an individual basis with someone who is overwhelmed by all of her hard drive's multiple folders and duplicate folders of master's and PhD and beyond material from all the years, does a stellar job of organizing all that.

And of course, there's Grammarly. Everyone's seen the ads. The web plugin can sometimes be an annoying little button to push around when it gets in the way, but sometimes it really does catch crucial stuff, and stuff I've already submitted and wished had that extra set of computer eyes looking at it.

I'll likely add more in a part II to this post at some point, or feel free to suggest more shortcuts and tools.

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